

Alterations by Marzena

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Original Hem on Jeans.

Hand Finished Hems on Pants.

Shorten Jacket Sleeves from Shoulder

Shorten the entire length of a Jacket

Raise or Lower Armholes on Coats / Jackets

Removal of Pleats from Pants / Slacks

Imitation Buttonholes on Jacket Sleeves

Create Center Vent or Side Vents on a Jacket

Alteration by Marzena is the best source for alteration services. Come try our services and we guarantee a good fit, great quality and a professional alteration on every job.

With more than 30 years of experience in the field, we offer an uncommon advantage in the providing and the know-how of alterations services. With our Satisfaction Guarantee Policy we are able to provide the most value and innovation per dollar spent on every tailored item.

Alterations Services Available:

We offer repair and alteration services on pants, slacks, trousers, shirts, suits and sport coats for men. Some of our services include: